Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Mr. Thierry Caron. Scalpel.
Kiti. Don’t we need to anesthetize him first?
Mr. Thierry Caron. Oh yes. Prepare the anesthesia.
Kiti. Okay, Mr. Buress? I will be applying the anesthesia now. Just breathe normally and count to ten. He is ready, Daddy.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Dr. Caron.
Kiti. Sorry. Dr. Caron. Mr. Buress is ready for the water bottle implant procedure.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Nurse Caron. Will you sterilize the area of incision?
Kiti. The area is sterilized, Doctor.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Scalpel.
Kiti. Scalpel.
Mr. Thierry Caron. There’s more spillage than I anticipated. We need more receptacles to hold the matter.
Kiti. Here, Doctor. We can hold the matter in these jars.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Very good. How are Mr. Buress’s vital signs?
Kiti. His vitals are still intact.
Mr. Thierry Caron. I will now implant the water bottle already prepared with a heated solution.
Kiti. Dr. Caron. Why are we implanting an activated water bottle into Mr. Buress? Shouldn’t the bottle be inactive?
Mr. Thierry Caron. I need to observe how Mr. Buress’s body will react to an activated foreign implant. If the body rejects the implant, then I need to remove the implant before I close.
Kiti. I understand.
Mr. Thierry Caron. I have implanted the water bottle. Now we should observe how Mr. Buress’s body reacts to the implant. Nurse Caron, How are his signs?
Kiti. They are still holding.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Good. We’ll observe for a couple more minutes.
Kiti. Doctor, there is a rupture in the implant! The heated solution is spilling into Mr. Buress.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Quickly, prepare the heating element. I will remove the implant. We need to extract the solution from his cavity.
Kiti. The heating element is ready, Doctor.
Mr. Thierry Caron. Set the element on low and extract the solution. We have to make sure extraction is complete to prevent infection.
End. Water Bottle Implant Procedure