Friday, January 02, 2004

Maksim. Hi there.
Faruk. Hello.
Maksim. Finally made it, huh?
Faruk. Never again.
Maksim. Well, you do have to go back.
Faruk. I’m going to take my time going back. Getting here was absolute hell.
Maksim. How long did it take you to get here?
Faruk. What time is it now?
Maksim. Just before 3:30
Faruk. Well, just about six hours.
Maksim. Jump in the pools?
Faruk. Every chance I got. Looks like you’ve been here for a few days.
Maksim. About a week now.
Faruk. Really? You brought that much food?
Maksim. Not really. I came here with a bunch of my friends, they left three days ago.
Faruk. What do you do about food?
Maksim. Luckily, other hikers come along and volunteer some of their food with me. I pay for it if they let me. I’m no beggar.
Faruk. I’m guessing you would want me to donate something to your cause.
Maksim. Of course I would be willing to pay for it.
Faruk. Well, I can give you a day’s worth and leave here earlier.
Maksim. Much appreciated.
Faruk. So when are you planning to go back?
Maksim. I gather when I run out of food. I’m not looking forward to the return hike up and down those valleys, through the trees and tall grass, that climb up that cliff. I loathed every step.
Faruk. I did too.
Maksim. I’m not going to go back until I’m forced to.
Faruk. Well, I’m going to set up camp. I’ll be back with food.
Maksim. Thanks again. Much appreciated.

Faruk. Hello?
Maksim. Hi, there. On your way back?
Faruk. Yes, but I was wondering. I could call someone up for you. Tell them you’re all right.
Maksim. Yeah, that’ll be funny. Denes’ll get a phone call from a stranger saying that I’m okay.
Faruk. I can do that if you like. What do you want me to tell Denes?
Maksim. Tell him that I have his wallet and passport. If he’s wants to get them, he has to come get them.
End. Retribution for Hiking