Vesa. Are you doing okay?
Benner. I don't know. All of the sudden, I feel like I just noticed the grey filling the sky.
Vesa. Do you know why?
Benner. It could be a lot of reasons, but I can't pin point anything. I can't even think of anything that will make me happy. It's like I don't care anymore. I'm outside watching myself walking these streets as a zombie.
Vesa. I guess we're all zombies in a way.
Benner. That's the thing. Zombies don't realize they're zombies, so they don't have the desire to not want to be a zombie. I'm suffering from the initial stages of becoming a zombie. I've finally realized my metamorphosis.
Vesa. But isn't it a good thing that you don't want to be a zombie? Now you can make the effort to not become a zombie.
Benner. I feel like I can do nothing to reverse the process. Soon, I'll be a unconscious zombie. Oh well. Um, what's going on? Why is this taxi going? We've got "walk." That sign says "walk" doesn't it? I'm not going crazy, am I? None of the other cars are going ...
Vesa. Don't you hear the ambulance? The taxi's just getting out of the way.
End. Zombie Metamorphosis