Ingrid. This weather is not agreeing with me.
Bente. Really? I kind of like it. It’s nice and depressing.
Ingrid. That’s not a good thing. It’s really bringing me down. I don’t feel like doing anything.
Bente. Didn’t you go to classes?
Ingrid. I had an exam today, but I didn’t go to it.
Bente. What? What are you going to do?
Ingrid. I don’t know. I hate this weather.
Bente. What class was it for?
Ingrid. One of my Chemistry classes. It’s for my major.
Bente. Do you think the Professor’s going to let you take it at another time?
Ingrid. I don’t know. I just want to get out of here.
Bente. But what about the exam? Aren’t you going to fail that class?
Ingrid. Yeah, I guess so. I should go somewhere where it’s warm and sunny, like California.
Bente. I’ve never been to California before.
Ingrid. Do you want to go?
Bente. What? When?
Ingrid. This week?
Bente. I don’t know. I’m not having thoughts of escape right now. I’m actually doing fine. I don’t need to escape this place anymore.
Ingrid. I do. I’ve got to get out of here. Do you want to come with me?
Bente. I don’t know. If you asked me a month earlier, I would have gone, but now ... Ingrid. I mean, I’m going through this weather, and I’m loving it. The rain, the grey sky, the cold. I’m preferring this to clear weather and sunshine.
Ingrid. Why? I hate it. It takes all of my energy right out of me.
Bente. I don’t know. I’m more real in this weather. I can think straight. On nice days, I just want to do nothing.
Ingrid. Okay, you’re weird.
Bente. Smell that cold. Don’t you feel more alive? It’s like a mint.
Ingrid. Remind me never to marry you.
Bente. I’ll take you off my list.
End. Weather Result