Haella. Why do you have separator for the fish tank?
Miron. Oh, Giso is beating up on Uwe. I have to keep them separated.
Haella. Giso? What’s his problem?
Miron. I guess it’s in his nature to beat up on other fish.
Haella. What’s he do? Take his fins and slap Uwe around?
Miron. Nah, he tries to eat off Uwe’s tail and fins. That way, Uwe can’t swim to the food before Giso does.
Haella. Is that why Uwe is smaller than Giso?
Miron. Yeah. It’s the wonders of natural competition at work.
Haella. Poor Uwe. Will he be able to fend for himself?
Miron. I don’t know. Intimidation is already instilled into him. He may grow to be bigger than Giso, but he’s already set on thinking like a scared little fish.
Haella. I think you should put a smaller fish in with Uwe so he could beat it up.
Miron. They’ll probably just live peacefully together.
Haella. Then you should get rid of Giso.
Miron. Why? I like Giso. He lets me pet him.
Haella. You pet your fish?
Miron. Sure. Giso might be a bully, but he has personality. He knows I’m boss.
Haella. Do you have a jar, or a plastic bag? I want to put Giso in it and shake his personality out of his colorful little body.
Miron. I can’t let you do that. Giso cost me thirty dollars.
End. Twenty and a Ten