Massimo. What’s this, a water gun?
Lemmy. Yup.
Massimo. Don’t the kids have super soakers now? This is something I would have played with in my day.
Lemmy. I don’t believe you.
Massimo. No really. During the summer, we would run around, squirting each other. That, or tossing water balloon at each other like grenades.
Lemmy. You? You were never a kid.
Massimo. Can’t imagine it, can you?
Lemmy. Nope.
Massimo. So it can’t be true, right?
Lemmy. Right.
Massimo. So, why do have this and not a super soaker?
Lemmy. Can I see that?
Massimo. Here.
*Lemmy points the water gun at Massimo
Massimo. Hold on there. What? You’re going to shoot me?
*Lemmy points to Massimo’s shoulder and squirts a line of water on it
Massimo. One more squirt, Lemmy. One more.
Lemmy. I didn’t even soak you. Do you know how much water one squirt is? I measured it. It’s a little more than a tablespoon. About a tablespoon of water got that reaction from you. The goal is not to soak, but to hit with accuracy. A super soaker is a sloppy water gun. Not only you would be soaked, but my floor and maybe my bed behind you. This is clean. I got this for a dollar and I can hit inside people’s ears.
Massimo. Remind me never to buy you a bb gun.
*Lemmy aims at Massimo’s other shoulder
End. Aim Squirt