Yulia. There was this strange guy at the subway station today.
Renzo. Why, what happened?
Yulia. It was a guy with this black warm-up suit on. He looked normal enough, but then I noticed that he was looking into the faces of everyone waiting for the train. It was as if he was looking for someone in particular, bending of standing on his toes to get a better angle.
Renzo. Could you tell if he was looking for a girl or a guy?
Yulia. I think guy cause he didn’t look at me. So then, the train arrives. He goes in, and I follow him.
Renzo. You really need to stop following people. It’s an obsession for you. You see someone who seems like a curiosity, and you instantly follow him around.
Yulia. I wouldn’t call it an obsession. It’s a fascination. Who was this guy looking for? He continued to look at people’s faces standing up and sitting down in the train. He went up and down the train sometimes pushing people to the side to get a better look.
Renzo. Did he ever find the person he was looking for?
Yulia. No, he got off the next station.
Renzo. Did you follow him?
Yulia. I wanted to, but I was a little afraid of him.
Renzo. Why?
Yulia. Cause, I was afraid of what he was going to do once he found his person.
End. Standing Up Sitting Down