Severine. I liked that movie. Didn’t you?
Harel. The popcorn was really nice.
Severine. What about the movie? I know you have something to say about it.
Harel. I’d rather not.
Severine. Why not?
Harel. I don’t know. Aren’t you tired of my analysis of movies? Don’t you want to watch a movie and enjoy it for what it is?
Severine. Yes, but I’m also curious to what you think about the movie too. Didn’t you think the dialogue was pretty bad?
Harel. I’m serious. I don’t want to talk about the movie. I’m done forcing my opinions of movies on my friends. I’ll only do it to people I dislike.
Severine. You’re being ridiculous. I really want to know what you thought about the characters. Like what was the point of Sjeng being there? I think you could have taken him out of the entire movie, and nothing would have changed.
Harel. I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to get a response out of me.
Severine. Come on. Anything. What’s the point if we can’t discuss it? Is this how you’re going to treat everything now? Take everything in and refuse to process it? It’s like you’re going to be one big drain. Slurp, slurp.
Harel. Only with movies. I can talk about the lunch we had.
Severine. What did you think of our lunch?
Harel. It was better than the movie.
End. Slurping Movies