Nikolay. Ah, damn it.
Ludmila. What happened?
Nikolay. I dropped my telephoto lens over the boat.
Ludmila. Where?
Nikolay. It’s down there somewhere.
Ludmila. Can you see it?
Nikolay. No. It’s got to be in the coral. I can feel the coral cutting into the surface of the lens. It's best left alone.
Ludmila. It’s not very deep, is it?
Nikolay. No, not really.
Ludmila. I’m going down there to get it.
Nikolay. It’s kind of dark though. I don’t know if you will be able to find it. We’ve got to get back to shore soon.
Ludmila. But what about your lens?
Nikolay. I still have my wide angle. I’ll be alright.
Ludmila. Are you sure? I really want to see if I can find it.
Nikolay. Ah, I’ll give you five minutes.
Ludmila. Make it ten.
Nikolay. But if you don’t get to the boat in ten minutes, I’m leaving without you.
Ludmila. That’s actually what I want.
Nikolay. I know.
End. Leaving the Sea