Pat. What is that racket outside? Are the planes overhead bombing us?
Rainer. Two police cars just went by, Pat.
Pat. Yeah? Don’t they know I’ve got a business to run here? What’s a matter with them? They’re scaring away my customers. What’ll you have?
Customer One. Yeah, give me a cheese steak.
Pat. What kind of cheese?
Customer One. Cheese Whiz.
Pat. Onions?
Customer One. Yeah.
Pat. Here you go. Five, twenty-nine.
Rainer. Hey Pat, you got to look at this. They’re stopping at Geno’s.
Pat. Geno’s? What’s going on over there? I’ve got my hands busy with customers, Rainer. What’ll you have?
Customer Two. Provolone steak with mushrooms, no onions.
Pat. You got it. That’s going to be Five, eighty-three.
Rainer. I can’t see what going on from here, Pat, but three more police cars are there.
Pat. Here’s your mushroom steak. Three more? People are trying to steal from Geno’s. Hey, Fini.
Fini. Yeah?
Pat. Go over to Geno’s and see what’s going on over there. What’ll you have?
Customer Three. Whiz Steak with onions. You know what’s going on at Geno’s?
Pat. I don’t know. I’ve got someone going over there to find out. It’ll be five, twenty-nine for the steak.
Customer Three. I hope Geno’s okay.
Pat. I hope so too. Here’s your steak and your change.
Fini. Hey, Pat.
Pat. So, what happened over there?
Fini. Some drunk guy was yelling at the customers over there.
Pat. So they needed five cop cars to go over there?
Fini. It’s Geno’s, Pat.
Pat. Yeah, there better be five cop cars coming to me when something goes down here.
Fini. You know they would.
Pat. Hey, What’ll you have?
End. Onions?