Nane. Slow down, there’s a police car coming up.
Klaus. Do not worry. It is der Autobahn. It is okay to pass der Polizei.
Nane. How fast are we going?
Klaus. Now we are going 273 kilometers per hour.
Nane. What is that in miles?
Klaus. I do not know.
Nane. This is definitely past a hundred. I have to apologize, Klaus, but my American culture is screaming quietly inside my head.
Klaus. Is this too fast for you?
Nane. I’m just used to being served peanuts and a drink at these speeds.
Klaus. Enjoy the drive. There is nothing to fear. Of course, there is der Geisterfahrer.
Nane. What is that?
Klaus. In English, it is ... how do you say? Ghost driver.
Nane. What is that? Are there myths that the autobahn is haunted?
Klaus. No. Der Geisterfahrer drive against traffic causing serious accidents. They loose their heads and drive der Autobahn in the opposite direction.
Nane. Does this occur often?
Klaus. Not very often, they are just popular because of the accidents. Like a shark attack. They do not happen often, but when they do, it seems as though they happen all of the time.
Nane. Wait, I have a calculator for converting Deutschmarks into Dollars. I wonder if it has a converter for kilometers into miles. Let’s see ... Ah here is it. How fast are we going, again?
Klaus. 287 kilometer per hour.
Nane. Entschuldigen Sie mich, haben Sie Ihren Verstand verloren?
Klaus. *laughs* Neine.
End. Excuse me, have you lost your mind?