Friday, September 27, 2002

Chiara. Oh, I’m sorry. I’m such a klutz sometimes.

Omero. Here, you dropped your bag. What is this ... ? A brownie?

Chiara. Yes, but this brownie has a layer of mint inside.

Omero. Really? It looks rich.

Chiara. It is ... Would you like to try some?

Omero. Um, well sure. If you don’t mind.

Chiara. No ... Here. Let me give you a piece.

Omero. Oh ... well, my hands are all greasy from the hoagie I had. I’m afraid I’ll ruin the taste with the oil.

Chiara. Oh, here ... I'll feed it to you.

Omero. Um. Okay?


Chiara. What do you think ... ?

Omero. I’m sorry, I got some of your finger, but it’s quite good.

Chiara. Oh, that's all right. *licks fingers* My name is Chiara.

Omero. I’m Omero, it’s nice to meet you. I would shake your hand, but you know. My hands.

Chiara. Would you like another piece?

End. Flirting With Brownies