Josie Cartin. Excuse me?
Fyodor. Hello? Where are you?
Josie Cartin. Here. Down here.
Fyodor. Oh, have you come to throw rocks at me?
Josie Cartin. No, that was my friend.
Fyodor. I saw you with her. You need to tell your friend that she needs to practice throwing, or was she trying to hit the tree?
Josie Cartin. She was trying to hit you. After we ran away, I told her that she shouldn’t have done it. We’re not talking anymore.
Fyodor. I’m sorry to hear that.
Josie Cartin. It’s okay. She does a lot of things I don’t like. There was one time when she didn’t have anywhere to put her gum, so she stuck it in one of your trees.
Fyodor. Yeah people do that.
Josie Cartin. Do you take care of all these trees?
Fyodor. That’s my job.
Josie Cartin. Aren’t you afraid to fall?
Fyodor. I fell once. I made sure I’d never do it again.
Josie Cartin. What happened?
Fyodor. I forgot to secure my harness. I just leaned all my weight on nothing and so I fell.
Josie Cartin. Did you hurt yourself?
Fyodor. Couple fractured ribs, burns on my hands from grabbing branches, nothing too bad, kind of lucky I suppose.
Josie Cartin. Are you okay now?
Fyodor. Sure I am.
Josie Cartin. My friend told me that you love trees so much that you only eat meat and not vegeatables.
Fyodor. Do you believe what she says?
Josie Cartin. No, but you love your trees, don’t you?
Fyodor. Yes, you could say that I do.
Josie Cartin. Do you only eat meat then?
Fyodor. I eat just about everything. I just don’t eat trees.
Josie Cartin. Well, I have to go home. It’s almost dinner time.
Fyodor. Maybe I’ll try to have some of this tree for dinner today.
Josie Cartin. Okay, um, bye.
Fyodor. Bye.
End. Talking to the Tree Climber