Artashes. There he is.
Pranod. Who?
Artashes. It's Uchkun. Quick, do you have twenty dollars? I just have thirty.
Pranod. What? Why do you need fifty dollars?
Artashes. Shoot, he's getting away. Do you have it or not?
Pranod. Yeah, I guess I do.
Artashes. Here, here. Give it up. I'll pay you back.
Pranod. What is going on? Who is that guy?
Artashes. Thanks. I'll see you later today. Can you take my bag? Here, can you take my jacket, too?
Pranod. Where are you going?
End. When Artashes gives Uchkun fifty dollars, Uchkun will run from being caught by Artashes. If Artashes catches Uchkun, Uchkun will give Artashes $500. If not, Uchkun keeps the fifty.