Jelena. I don’t know what’s going on with me.
Marlies. Why? What’s going on?
Jelena. I’m starting to get headaches from drinking cold drinks.
Marlies. That’s normal though.
Jelena. Not for me. I never got headaches before.
Marlies. Really? Never?
Jelena. I didn’t understand what it meant to get a headache after drinking something cold, but now I do. It’s horrible. It’s like this glob of pain filling every hollow of my head. I feel like Christopher Reeve in Superman II.
Marlies. When he gives up his powers and experiences his blood spilling for the first time?
Jelena. Yes. I’m no longer immune to head freezes. I’m like one of you now.
Marlies. Maybe it’s a one-time deal. You should try drinking something cold again to make sure.
Jelena. I’m afraid to find out.
End. Cold Drink Fear