Fannea. Hello, are you here for a haircut?
Moeder. Haircut, haircut? No, um. My hair. Can you clean my hair?
Fannea. We can wash you hair, yes. Then we can cut your hair.
Moeder. I’m sorry. I only want my hair to be cleaned.
Fannea. First wash, then cut, right?
Moeder. Just wash, please. No cut. Look at my feet.
Fannea. Your feet?
Moeder. Feet? No no, my hand. I am sorry. My English is not so good.
Fannea. It’s okay. Oh, did you hurt your hand?
Moeder. Yes, yes. I hurt my hand. I cannot use it.
Fannea. So you cannot wash your hair?
Moeder. Yes. It is difficult with one hand.
Fannea. I think I understand now. Come with me.
End. Fannea Will Wash Moeder’s Hair