Cashier Birgit. Can’t sleep?
Goten. Excuse me?
Cashier Birgit. The pills. You can’t sleep?
Goten. No, I guess I can’t.
Cashier Birgit. My sister had insomnia once. She almost went crazy.
Goten. I’m not going crazy.
Cashier Birgit. I’m sorry, sir. That’ll be five thirty-nine.
Cashier Mariana. Can I recommend something do you?
Goten. What is it?
Cashier Mariana. I’ve taken these sleep aids before.
Goten. Oh.
Cashier Mariana. You should get the store brand. They’re cheaper and are exactly the same.
Goten. I see. If you don’t mind, I’m in kind of a hurry. I’ll just these. Maybe next time.
Cashier Mariana. Sure, I’ll ring this up for you over here.
Cashier Ioana. Six forty-three is your change.
Goten. Thank you.
Cashier Ioana. I hope you’ll be able to sleep.
Goten. Thank you. I hope so too.
Cashier Anneliese. I’m sorry, I have to get a price check on these pills.
Goten. Oh, okay.
Cashier Anneliese. Lutz? Need a price check on four. Price check on four.
Goten. I can go check myself.
Cashier Anneliese. No, you stay here. It’ll be quick. So, you can’t sleep huh?
Goten. Can I ask you a question?
Cashier Anneliese. Sure.
Goten. If I were to ring up acne medication, and it had to be priced checked, would you ask if I had pimples?
Cashier Anneliese. No, I guess I wouldn’t.
Goten. How about Preparation H? Would you ask about my hemorrhoids?
Cashier Anneliese. Of course not.
Goten. Then why sleeping pills?
Cashier Anneliese. I don’t know, it doesn’t seem as embarrassing. There’re no secrets in not being able to sleep.
Goten. I guess that makes sense.
Cashier Anneliese. It’s like cold medicine. I sometimes ask people about their colds when they buy cold medicine. There’s hardly anything embarrassing about having a cold. I guess I feel bad for you not being able to sleep.
Goten. I see.
Lutz. Need a price check, Anneliese?
Goten. I heard you had invisible pills and I want to purchase some.
Imperial Megathere. Invisible pills? Are you a voyeur, are you?
Goten. No.
Imperial Megathere. Then why do you want invisible pills? Do you want to disappear?
Goten. Yes.
End. No Secrets in Not Sleeping