Jobert. Hi, Nina.
Nina. Hi, Jobert.
Jobert. Have you seen Leger lately?
Nina. Leger?
Jobert. Yeah, there’s something going on, but I don’t know what it is. He won’t tell me.
Nina. I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Jobert. What do you mean?
Nina. I don’t know anything about Leger.
Jobert. Okay?
Nina. Can we talk about something else?
Jobert. So, what do you want for breakfast?
Nina. I’m not hungry.
Jobert. Really? Are you feeling okay?
Nina. I’m fine, please let’s not talk about it.
Jobert. Nina.
Nina. What?
Jobert. What is going on? What happened between you and Leger?
Nina. Leger? I don’t even know who Leger is.
Jobert. You don’t?
Nina. No, I don’t. I never met him in my life.
Jobert. Okay. So you’re not going to eat anything?
Nina. I have to go.
Jobert. What? Now?
Nina. Yeah, I’m sorry. I just remembered something. I have to go now. We’ll have breakfast another time, okay?
Jobert. What is going on with you?
Nina. I told you. I don’t know who Leger is!
End. No Idea