Massimo. Hey Lemmy, what are you doing?
Lemmy. I’m communicating with someone.
Massimo. You are? With who?
Lemmy. I’m not sure.
Massimo. I don’t understand. Where is this someone?
Lemmy. He’s on the other end of this string. When I pull on it, the other person pulls back on it. I’m trying to use Morse code with him, but I don’t think he understands. All he does is repeat my pulls.
Massimo. Where did the sting come from?
Lemmy. I don’t know. I just appeared one day.
Massimo. Can’t you follow the string?
Lemmy. I tried, but it’s goes into the sewage drains.
Massimo. Do you think this person lives in the sewage drains?
Lemmy. I think he only uses the sewage drains to hide the string underground.
Massimo. But I think he’s somewhere in the Central Time zone.
Lemmy. What? How do you know that?
Massimo. Cause at every hour, I pull what time it is, then he returns with a time minus one hour.
Lemmy. But the closest place in the Central time zone is hundreds of miles away. How is that possible?
Massimo. Shh, he’s trying to say something.
Smoothswimmingdogmagiclylightboulder. A-r-e - y-o-u – u-s-i-n-g – M-o-r-s-e - c-o-d-e-?
End. Tug Tug Pull