Thursday, November 21, 2002

Krumm. So, that’s it. Are you excited?
Petters. I feel disappointed.
Krumm. You’re disappointed to go home?
Petters. No, I’m disappointed in myself actually.
Krumm. Why is that?
Petters. Because I’m going home. I’m leaving this place.
Krumm. But don’t you want to go home?
Petters. I do, but I wish I didn’t.
Krumm. I don’t understand.
Petters. I’m glad I’m going home. I mean, I’m ecstatic, and it’s because I miss home more than I want to stay here. At this point, I’d rather be there than here. Do you know what that makes me?
Krumm. What?
Petters. A tourist. I can’t live here, Krumm. I have to go home and be in comfort.
Krumm. But you’ve been here for five years, Petters. No tourist stays here for Petters years.
Petters. If I could stay here for five years, why can’t I stay here for more? I really wanted this to be my home, Krumm. What happened to me? I’ve become soft.
Krumm. Then why not try to stay here? Give it another shot?
Petters. I probably will. I just need to get out of here now. I’ll end up killing someone if I don’t.
Krumm. It’ll probably be me.
Petters. You’re probably right.
Krumm. Have a good trip.
End. Reluctance to Prevent