Pavol. I made a mistake.
Natassya. What happened?
Pavol. When you asked me what I thought about your pants I just said they were OK.
Natassya. Do you want to change your answer?
Pavol. Yes, I do.
Natassya. I think it's too late, though. My pants are OK. That's that. They can't be anything else to you.
Pavol. But I didn't notice the buttons near your hem.
Natassya. Yes, they're pretty nice, aren't they?
Pavol. Now see, if you asked what I think about these buttons, then I would ask what buttons, then you would show me those buttons on your hem, then I would tell you that they are very enticing.
Natassya. Enticing? How are these buttons near my hem enticing?
End. Pavol sits Natassya down on the couch, loosens the buttons on her hem, and reaches up her leg
Natassya. I’m a little embarrassed.
Pavol. Why?
Natassya. My legs are ugly. They have stretch marks all over them from when I sought out to eat everything around me. I can never wear anything to show of my legs because all I’ll be showing are my unnatural looking lines.
Pavol. Let me massage them out.
Natassya. Can you do that?
Pavol. I don’t know. Let me try. How does that feel?
End. Natassya sits comfortable on the couch and lets Pavol massage her stretch marks away