Alisee. Hey do you want to have the watermelon in your fridge?
Laurentiu. Maybe not. It's been there for a good three weeks.
Alisee. Really?
Laurentiu. I don't know what it is. Every week I used to cut up a whole watermelon, store it in my refrigerator, and eat it all through out the rest of the week. Now I can't even finish one in a month.
Alisee. You sound worried about eating watermelon.
Laurentiu. My motivation to eat watermelon is gone. I’m done with slicing through the flesh, the resistance of the rind’s curve, the occasional snap of splitting a seed, spitting them out, my wet cutting board with red juices and whatever's left over.
Alisee. Are you motivated to eat anything?
Laurentiu. I think I've lost the joy of eating.
Alisee. That's horrible. How can you not enjoy eating?
Laurentiu. It's become just a task in order not be hungry.
Alisee. You love food.
Laurentiu. I do.
Alisee. Does all this have to do with watermelon?
Laurentiu. I don't know. Probably not. It's just the result of something heavier.
Alisee. What if I cut the watermelon? Do you think you'll have some?
Laurentiu. Maybe. Sure.
Alisee. Where's your knife? I'll go ahead and cut it.
Laurentiu. There should be one drying on the rack by the sink.
Alisee. Oh, you know what? This watermelon's bad.
Laurentiu. Yeah. Thanks, though.
Alisee. Let's go out and get another one. Do you think you'll enjoy eating watermelon again?
Laurentiu. Let's find out.
End. Motivation for Watermelon