Hafid. The big game’s tomorrow.
Dor. Yup.
Hafid. You’re gonna be working, aren’t you?
Dor. Gotta pay the bills.
Hafid. So you’re telling me you’re gonna be just fine driving your bus up and down the city while the game is going on?
Dor. I’m taking a radio with me.
Hafid. What radio?
Dor. I’m borrowing Luben’s radio so I can listen to the game.
Hafid. Lube’s radio? That thing’s the size of a piano. Where you gonna put that thing? On your lap?
Dor. I’ve got some room by the steering wheel.
Hafid. Isn’t there a rule where you can’t play a radio in the bus? What are you gonna do, use head phones or something?
Dor. I shouldn’t use head phones while driving.
Hafid. You’re gonna play the game in your bus?
Dor. Yup.
Hafid. I don’t know. I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable listening to the game in your bus.
Dor. I wouldn’t expect you to.
Hafid. If I can bring beers, maybe. I’d drink them in paper bags.
Dor. They’d be sodas to me.
End. Game to Bus