Ruxandra. So, did you do anything today?
Parsa. I did laundry.
Ruxandra. You have machines in your building, don’t you?
Parsa. Yeah, something happened to my laundry today.
Ruxandra. What, did someone steal your clothes?
Parsa. I did leave my drying laundry to be taken from my possession to return some library books, and when I returned, I found all my clothes out of the drier, folded and sorted into four separate piles.
Ruxandra. So, you don’t know who did it?
Parsa. No.
Ruxandra. Did you want to?
Parsa. I don’t know really. I checked the drier that I used and a woman’s clothing were rolling around in the machine.
Ruxandra. Have you fallen in love?
Parsa. Oh, come on.
Ruxandra. Then why did you go look in the drier?
Parsa. Okay, I did want to know if it was a man or a woman.
Ruxandra. Does it matter?
Parsa. It does. I’m more comfortable having a woman fold my clothes than a man.
Ruxandra. You want to meet this woman, don’t you?
Parsa. I’m just curious.
Ruxandra. You already have an image of her in your mind, don’t you? This perfect little woman folding your clothes.
Parsa. It’s better than a perfect little man folding my clothes.
End. Folding Preference