Sanna. What's that?
Slimane. What's what?
Sanna. That smell. What is that? Have you been smoking?
Slimane. Yes, I have.
Sanna. What are you doing smoking?
Slimane. I was with Ellah. You know how she smokes.
Sanna. So you smoked with her?
Slimane. She didn't want to smoke by herself. She's trying to quit, but she had to have a smoke. Smoking with me made her feel less guilty. She even gave me the rest of the pack. Where are they? Here they are.
Sanna. I don't know. Sounds like you were flirting with her.
Slimane. I've known Ellah for a long time. We're beyond flirting I would think.
Sanna. Don't you miss it though?
Slimane. Miss what?
Sanna. Flirting. You used to tell me how good you were at it.
Slimane. I am easy to talk to.
Sanna. Well, don't you miss it then?
Slimane. I don't think you'd believe me, but no, not really. It's not like I'm itching to make conversation with new girls.
Sanna. You're not?
Slimane. Really. I would say that I'm not only beyond flirting with Ellah, but also with all other girls.
Sanna. Really now?
Slimane. Yeah, I think so, of course with a few exceptions.
Sanna. Alun's having a party tonight. Feel like going and not flirting with new girls?
Slimane. Wouldn't you rather go somewhere else and finish this pack of cigarettes with me?
End. Smoke Out of the Mouth