Ovidiu. That was odd. Why did he start speaking French to me? Didn’t you hear me say that I wasn’t French?
Magda. But he just asked you if you could speak French.
Ovidiu. And I did. I mean, who doesn’t know that in French?
Magda. But I think when you answered in French that you couldn’t, it threw him off.
Ovidiu. He really wanted me to be French, didn’t he?
Magda. What do you mean?
Ovidiu. My pronouncing our order in French triggered something in him, so he had to ask me if I was French. When I said I wasn’t, he just continued to speak.
Magda. I think it was something about his father.
Ovidiu. I got that too, but he just kept on talking.
Magda. Maybe he needed to talk to someone. To tell someone in his own language about his problems.
Ovidiu. Is that all we need? All we have to do is talk about our problems? Doesn’t it matter if the recipient understands or cares?
Magda. But you pretended you understood.
Ovidiu. Yeah, but he forced me. It would have been rude to ignore him. He trusted me with what he told me, so I had to oblige him.
Ovidiu. He must be very lonely to have told you whatever he told you.
Magda. Yeah, I feel bad for him.
Ovidiu. We should do something.
Magda. I wouldn’t know what to do.
Ovidiu. Here he comes with the wine.
End. Waiter from France