Stanislaw. I thought about Evie today.
Marilou. Oh.
Stanislaw. I was in the subway and there was this woman in front of me. She had a black swaying dress with little red flowers printed on the material.
Marilou. Did she look like Evie?
Stanislaw. I didn’t notice what kind of shoes she was wearing until I witnessed her entire weight drop cold onto the stairs. Her heel was three steps behind her. Somebody else picked up the heel and gave it to her while she got up and walked unevenly in her shoes.
Marilou. How did she remind you of Evie?
Stanislaw. I was at Evie’s family gathering once. I was holding a glass of warm apple cider when one of her Aunts stepped on a banana peel left by one of the cousins. She slid about two feet and stumbled into a vase of dried flowers.
End. Lost in