Frank. Joe, what are you doing here?
Joe. I didn’t know who else to go.
Frank. What, what’s the matter?
Joe. It’s my fiancée. She’s pregnant.
Frank. What? But you’re not married yet.
Joe. I never touched her, Frank.
Frank. The baby’s not yours?
Joe. No.
Frank. Are you going to call the wedding off?
Joe. I was going to, but now we’re just going to leave and have the child somewhere else.
Frank. I don’t know what to say, Joe.
Joe. Yeah, life sends you tight and unexpected turns.
Frank. What about the baby?
Joe. The baby will be born and I will be the father.
Frank. I don’t know whether to call you wise or stupid, Joe. When are you going to leave?
Joe. Soon. I came to give you this.
Frank. What is it?
Joe. A collection of books of mine. I thought you would like them.
Frank. Gee, Joe. Thanks.
Joe. Well, I need to be going.
Frank. God bless you, Joe.
Joe. Bless you.
End. Tight and Unexpected Turns