I think the reason why I dreamt about taking a peek into Cartic’s apartment with binoculars is because I had a partial viewing of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Rear Window” a previous night. Partial, meaning that I started the movie while eating dinner with Yvonnes, but then her friend Charlotte came to visit so we stopped the movie.
Yvonnes (a extended nick name I gave her, pronounced yuh-von-NES) just flew to China on American Airlines. I would guess she would be coming back to America on China Airlines.
It struck me that the Beijing International Airport was quietly empty. It struck me that the Korean International Airport was quietly empty, but then again, I was not there during the World Cup.
European Traveler to Korea speaking in his or her native tongue: Oh look. He must be Korean. “Anyounghasehyo!”
Alfred: Um, hello.
Looking from behind and over a blue couch facing the window, There was no one in Cartic’s apartment, but sitting in front of me was a bald man with a gun. In both instances, I did not see Cartic, nor am I familiar with his belongings to know that it was his apartment, but I knew it was his apartment, and I did not see the gun the man was holding, but I knew he was carrying one. Call it dream sixth sense.
One time in India, Rachel (six years old) came up to me and asked me a question.
Rachel: Hey, Alfred. I bet you don’t know what’s on top of our building.
Alfred: I don’t know. Is it a bird?
Rachel: How did you know?
I didn’t know there was a dead bird up on the ceiling where we lived. Call it dumb luck sixth sense.
During nights at the Doctor’s quarters where we stayed in Pune, India, the cows would come out. Peering through the second floor window, I could see three cows roaming about. The next day, we found mounds of cow dung loosely piled in casual places around the hospital.
I took a black telephone from a side table by the blue couch and brought it back with me through the hallway behind me, then into the bathroom. My first instinct was to dial 0 for the dream operator, but the operator asked me to hold on the line while she connected me to someone else. Illogically, I hung up and called 911 next. Reality: When watching “Panic Room” with my kids (I don’t really have kids, but I like to call my church youth group my kids) and Tinna.
Jodie Foster pulls out existing telephone wire and connects it to the dead panic room telephone. Once she acquires a dial tone, she calls 911 when an operator also tell her to hold. She hangs up and calls her ex-husband. I guess I would have called my ex-wife, but since I do not have an ex-wife, I did not call her in my dream.