Friday, May 31, 2002
I can easily see that Y Girl is still in love with J Boy. Even though he’s treated her with indifferent disregard, she finds it illogical to stop loving the person she’s loved for the last three years. I'm afraid that if Y Girl never discovered J Boy cheating on her with another woman, J Boy would continue to hide his secret from Y Girl; (He’s has been hiding it for two months before) then their relationship would deteriorate in a cruel and ugly fashion. J Boy would have continued to mistreat Y Girl, thus confusing her and deepening her depression (also caused by school). I can imagine her sitting in a dark room, staring at a computer screen, asking me on her cell phone, “I don’t understand, Alfred. Why is he treating me like this?” Thankfully, I did not have to answer, “I have no idea,” said in a helpless manner.