Friday, July 28, 2006

Florent. Micaela?
Micaela. Hey, what are you doing here?
Florent. I'm just returning some books at the library.
Micaela. Anything interesting?
Florent. Not really actually.
Micaela. Bad batch?
Florent. You could say that. So what happened to your finger? Did the kitten bite it?
Micaela. Oh yeah. Look at this.
Florent. What happened?
Micaela. I guess Kitty doesn't like to be put in a laundry basket.
Florent. Might bring back memories of cages from the past.
Micaela. I noticed something about her jaw though. Take a look at it.
Florent. It's a little off, isn't it?
Micaela. I think she's been abused before I got her. Kitty’s definitely has a distrust on me. She doesn’t like to be pet. This is the first time she drew blood.
Florent. It'll take some time, but I'm sure she’ll learn to trust you. What about strangers? Does she distrust strangers as well?
Micaela. Try petting her.
End. Kitty bites Florent

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Pawel. Hey Erling?
Erling. What's up?
Pawel. Do you think I could hitch a ride with you?
Erling. Aren't you supposed to go with Galina?
Pawel. Yes, but I do not feel safe with her.
Erling. Why? You've driven with her before?
Pawel. Actually no, but here. Come look at this.
Erling. Is this her car?
Pawel. Yes.
Erling. Why is her mirror tilted like that?
Pawel. She uses it as a vanity mirror alone.
Erling. Would you like to sit on Daouda's lap in my car?
Pawel. I don't mind being in the trunk.
End. Galina Sees Galina

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pirmin. I saw myself in an elevator yesterday.
Giada. What?
Pirmin. I was just getting off the elevator to my apartment and there I was, in another elevator going down to the first floor.
Giada. I don’t understand. Are you sure you saw yourself? Maybe it was someone who looked like you.
Pirmin. Before the elevator closed, he had this expression of confidence like we knew what we were both thinking.
Giada. What were you thinking?
Pirmin. I had thoughts of confusion when seeing myself and he in turn sympathized.
Giada. You didn’t try talking to him, at least try to catch the elevator to make sure it was you?
Pirmin. I guess I was in shock and nothing sensible came to mind.
Giada. I would have tackled him and demanded that he tell me who he was.
Pirmin. He probably would be ready for it.
End. Pirmin Sees Pirmin